Mr Inspector’s Building Inspection Reports will inform you what defects exist at the home, including Safety Hazards, Structural Defects, Major Defects and Minor maintenance type defects.
Our Building Inspections explain each defect, where it is in the home and what is required to have it assessed or rectified, giving the home buyer adequate and detailed information before they buy.
Engaging Mr Inspector to carry out your inspection ensures you are having your potential property thoroughly inspected or overseen by someone who is:
- Qualified with a Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Building Surveying – Building Inspector and Building Surveyor recognized as experts by the Victorian Building Authority.
- Experienced, commencing in 2004 in the Inspection Industry.
- Insured, therefore ensuring you will receive an accurate and comprehensive Inspection Report.
Engaging Mr Inspector provides you with vast experience and expertise in the field of building defects, Building Regulations 2006, the Building Act 1993, the Building Code of Australia and various Australian Standards in the construction industry, including the Residential Slabs and Footing Construction and residential Timber Framed Construction. These Regulations, Codes and Standards form very important aspects of correct procedures and construction principles.
Note: In Victoria, there is NO statutory requirement for persons conducting pre-purchase inspections to be qualified.
Mr Inspector and only a few other inspection services in Melbourne have qualified inspectors (two-year diploma of Building Surveying) or qualified tradespersons (bricklayers/carpenters/builders) carrying out pre-purchase house inspections. Some inspectors in Melbourne have only carried out a 2-day accreditation course claiming to be qualified house inspectors, however, this 2-day accreditation is not recognized by the Victorian Building Authority and there is no such qualification as a “qualified House Inspector”. Others have no qualifications at all but can still carry out inspections due to the industry, unfortunately, being unregulated.
Mr Inspector’s Expertise is often sought after for advice.
Due to Mr Inspector’s knowledge and experience in the Inspection industry, we were approached by a Sydney Firm to assist in the development of an inspection software program that is currently used by inspectors worldwide. The reporting software has over 850 potential defects that Mr Inspector constructed and that we also need to check before completing your house inspections in Melbourne.
This confirms that we have the knowledge and the experience in pre-purchase inspections and also that we are totally covering defects at your potential home from top to bottom.
Every home will have defects
Remember, every home will have some degree of defects – we have never found one that hasn’t. The important thing is the significance of the defects, what house defects are major and expensive, what are just maintenance issues and what sort of cost is involved to rectify the problems we find during your house inspection. We tell you all this and also who you will need to fix the defects.
Same-day inspection report.
You will receive your 60-70 page comprehensive building and pest inspection report with labelled photographs of building defects via email on the same day as we do the inspection.
We don’t sleep until you understand your report.
We endeavour to make your house inspection reports easy to understand but there will be times after reading the detailed report when you will need to contact us. As you are paying us to do a job, we want you to fully comprehend the significance of the inspection report findings and thus, Mr Inspector is available until 11.00 pm after the inspection to help you through the report.