Mr Inspector is a fully qualified Building Inspector operating in Melbourne with over 11 years experience in the building inspection industry.
The above photograph was taken during a building inspection in Ormond, Melbourne and depicts a timber off-cut placed onto the ground with a stump footing which is supporting the floor under a bathroom.
Technically, although possibly doing its job of supporting, this does not comply with AS 2870 – 1996 Residential slabs and footings construction. Stumps must be designed for vertical gravity loads, vertical uplift loads and horizontal forces.
The timber plate the stump was resting on had signs of decay and eventually the stump will move or collapse. The house won’t fall over but likely symptoms will be floor unevenness and wall cracks. This is classed as a structural defect, however is relatively cheap and easy to rectify.
It is important that every older home have a qualified building inspector (must have Diploma Building Surveying) assess the dwelling before buying. Please contact Peter and Mr Inspector and he will be able to assist.

Peter has a Diploma of Building Surveying which makes him one of the few in Melbourne who are Qualified to carry out building inspections as per the Building Act 1993. He is also qualified in Timber Pest Inspections (Cert 3), Pool Barrier Inspection (Certificate 11077454) and Non-Friable Asbestos Awareness and removal.