Mr Inspector, a qualified building inspector in Sandringham believes that most building defects are found under the house due to the area rarely being inspected.
The above is a photograph taken during a building inspection in Sandringham showing a leaking pipe found during a house inspection in Sandringham.
Having a building inspection prior to buying a property can reveal hidden defects. The importance of inspecting the sub floor prior to buying a property is evident in this photograph. A recent house inspection in Sandringham revealed a leaking plumbing pipe connection under the home. This is considered a major defect because the leak may cause further problems, such as decay to timber framing, footings settlement and is also conducive to termite infestation.
As the sub floor of most homes is rarely inspected, these defects can continue for years without anyone knowing and it is very important to engage a building inspector to assess the sub floor of your home at least annually and definitely before buying a home.
The importance of a thorough building inspection carried out by a qualified building inspector in Melbourne can not be underestimated, especially under the home.

Peter has a Diploma of Building Surveying which makes him one of the few in Melbourne who are Qualified to carry out building inspections as per the Building Act 1993. He is also qualified in Timber Pest Inspections (Cert 3), Pool Barrier Inspection (Certificate 11077454) and Non-Friable Asbestos Awareness and removal.