Structural Defects are a fault or deviation from the intended structural performance of a building element. Structural normally means a part of the home that is carrying some type of weight or load. For example the homes stumps are structural, the carport posts are structural as they bear the load of the roof and perimeter wall frames behind the plaster lining are structural as they carry the load of the roof. Structural defects can be expensive to fix. Re-stumping can cost between $8000 and $20,000 depending on size of home and ease of access to carry out the works. Replacing of a carport post that has rot or has been eaten by termites may only cost $400.00

Uneven Floor discovered during Mentone Building Inspection

Mr Inspector is a renowned and trusted building inspector in the Mentone area, known for his expertise in house inspections. In a recent inspection, Mr Inspector came across slightly uneven floor levels in the property (see picture above). Recognizing the importance of identifying the...
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Building Inspections Gardenvale – Stump Footing Defects

It is extremely important to obtain a building inspector who is willing to carry out a thorough inspection of the homes sub floor as this is where Mr Inspector’s qualified building inspectors come across the majority of major problems.  After all, the footings are...
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Building Inspections Oakleigh – Structural Cracking

The photo above was taken by Mr Inspector, a qualified building inspector, during a recent building inspection in Oakleigh. It shows some brick mortar cracking on an external wall.  Step cracks normally indicate some degree of differential settlement in the footings and the cause...
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Building Inspections Brighton

Timber Stump Decay Without a qualified Building Inspector in Brighton thoroughly going over your potential home, defects may go unnoticed and you will soon find that they could cost you a small fortune to rectify as indicated by this photograph taken during a recent...
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